Monday, November 10

Are Aspergians really Rude & Inconsiderate?

Quote from John Elder Robinson's article on Psychology Today Blog, entitled "Are Aspergians Really Rude & Inconsiderate?"

"Sometimes people ask me, "What kind of person should a guy with Asperger's look for?"I can't speak for you, but this is an answer that's worked for me:

People with Asperger's have very weak sensitivity to other people's thoughts and feelings. But we often offset that with exceptionally strong logical brains. Therefore, we are wise to seek a mate with exceptional emotional sensitivity and less logical brainpower. Then, our mental abilities compliment each other's. One of us has great emotional intelligence, and the other has great logical intelligence. Individually, we're each weak. Together, though, we are very strong."

Perfect for me to understand as a non-aspie.   Thanks John Elder for making it clear & for helping me take one step closer tounderstanding this commonly misunderstood "language".

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