Wednesday, February 4

Ticket Reward System

The ticket reward system is going well. J.'s behavior has actually improved! Improvement is good!!! He receives tickets for small chores, obeying, eating breakfast, getting dressed, taking his vitamins, cooperating at the library, playing educational games, etc.
For rewards:
5 tickets gets him:
watch cartoons, make goo or play-doh, eat ice cream, play with shaving cream, play video game online, get chocolate milk at bedtime.
10 tickets gets him: having a friend over, making a campfire & roasting marshmallows, watching a movie.
20 tickets gets: go to Cici's, go to the playground, an action figure at the store, pick a surprise out of the wrapped gifts bag.
50 tickets gets: a new video game
He is now in the process of saving for the new video game. It will take him about 2 weeks, but that means he cannot afford to purchase anything else in the meantime.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad this is working for you guys! Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! You have an award waiting at:

Cathy said...

What a neat system. I may use this.