Tuesday, October 28

Pondering New Obsessions

Today I am thinking about my sons' obsessions.
  • the soon-to-be 6 yo is now obsessed with Spore game & the new puppies outside.
  • The teenage Aspie is obsessed with weight-lifting... gaining muscle weight, etc.
What causes this?
Some obsessing is natural, huh?
When does it become unnatural? When it starts interfering with necessary actions in life, then it is considered unnatural, right?
Just wondering in general about this... nothing important.

1 comment:

MrsKTurner said...

My 9 year old son is an Aspie. We have gone through a few obsessions in his life. It started with trains then moved to drawing, marine life, and currently fishing. He also tends to have a few negative "spin off" obsessions on the side that also change every few months/years. We have been through a tree frog, strangers, house fires, and tornadoes obsessions. We try to encourage the positive obsessions and discourage the negative ones. The drawing obsession was very peaceful and quite for me, but 300 sheets of paper a day does qualify as an obsession. LOL I think what qualifies an obsession is when they wake up thinking about it, talk about it on and off all day, and then dream about it. Our entire days revolve around earning stickers toward his weekend fishing trips. We always use his current obsession to motivate him for school work, chores, and good behavior. P.S. I just found your blog this morning and really like it!